Friday, July 9, 2010

Post # 10

This 7th grader that shows her PLN in this video really has a lot organized. She already knows so much about how to use the technology that is provided for her. There are a few programs mentioned in the video that would be a lot of help with lessons in class. I have to admit, she does have a lot more going with her PLN than I do with mine. I also do not have to do so many activities and projects that she has to do with her technology. This is a great example of how students are learning with technology these days!

"What is your sentence" and "Was I better today than I was yesterday" were the two questions mentioned in this video. It asks you to think of just one sentence that would describe what you have done/will do. With everything that I wish to do after graduation, I would say that my sentence would have something to do with helping others. Maybe something along the lines of, "She gave her time and helped those in need." Yeah, that sounds nice. The next question that asks, "Was I better today than I was yesterday" has a different answer daily. Some days I might feel as though I am in the slumps and have done nothing right. On most says I would answer 'yes' to this question because I try to better myself with each new day.


  1. Good reflections Rachel. This 7th grader is impressive. Learning this technology from a young age has helped this student to be very organized and to be able to handle many tasks at once.

    I think your sentence is a good one and I really liked the way you included a little of your though process. You made a good point about the second question that you try to be better and I think that is the important thing. I think that is the purpose of asking yourself this question every night. Even if you did not do better today you will have it on your mind tomorrow. SS

  2. Rachel, I agree with you that this 7th grader really is organized but I am sure that it was because she had an incredible teacher to lead and guide her on the right path. Wouldn't it be awesome if all students were this organized.

  3. Hey Rachel.

    You're right, that 7th grader really knows her stuff... My PLN seems so insignificant compared to hers!

    "Was I better today than I was yesterday" truly is a difficult question to ask. I believe that even though we may fall short some days, as long as we can recognize where we need to be, then we will be able to pull ourselves back up to that point.

    -Laura Ashley
